
Tattoo Aftercare Instructions for Living Art Studio
1009 Church Street Palmer MA 01069

Be sure to wash your hands and then clean your tattoo before applying aftercare products.

Remove the bandage after 3 hours but no more than 12. Don’t remove the bandage until you can properly clean the tattoo with mild soap & warm water. Rinse it well, making sure to clean off the slimy coating. Gently pat it dry with a clean paper towel, then allow it to air-dry for 10-15 minutes before applying aftercare cream or ointment (antibiotic; H2Ocean, AquaTatt).

Apply aftercare cream to the tattoo as needed, around 2 to 4 times a day. Gently massage a very small amount into the skin to keep the tattoo slightly moist, NOT smothered.

The healing tattoo should never be submerged in water. Limit yourself to short showers until the tattoo has finished peeling. It’s also important that a fresh tattoo be protected from the sun & dirty environments, as it’s still considered an open wound at this time. All normal activities involving water or sun exposure can usually be resumed after 14-20 days.

Only apply aftercare cream for as long as it takes for your tattoo to peel, usually 3 to 7 days. When the peeling begins, the tattooed skin will flake like a sunburn. It will be very itchy. AVOID picking or scratching at the flaking skin. When the tattoo fully enters the peeling phase you can switch over to a good quality, fragrance-free lotion several times a day until the skin returns to its normal texture.

Once your tattoo is healed, always protect it with a minimum of 30 SPF sunblock to promote maximum longevity.

Consult a healthcare provider for: unexpected redness, tenderness or swelling at the site of the tattoo; any rash, unexpected drainage at or from the tattoo or a fever within 24 hours after your tattoo.

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